Sunday, September 2, 2012

Solutions to Logic and Math Puzzles

1.  Three wise men and their reasoning skills:

 Problem Statement: 

Three wise men were tested for their reasoning skill by being blindfolded and having a finger rubbed on each of their foreheads, after being told that one or more would have 
smudges on their foreheads.  Actually, all three were given smudges.  They were told to tap once if they saw one or more spots on removing the blindfold and to tap twice 
if they decided that there was a spot on their own forehead.  When the blindfolds were removed, all three tapped once.  After a pause, one man tapped twice.  What was his reasoning?


1. Prasad

Best Solution (clear logic and best presentation) - Thanks to Prasad
Let us name the wise men as A, B and C with all possible scenarios as shown below:
X indicates the presence of the smudge in the forehead of the wise man on top of the column


Scenario 1

Scenario  2


Scenario  3


Scenario  4

Scenario  5


Scenario  6


Scenario  7

Case 1: (Rows 1, 2 and 3)
If only one of them received the smudge, then the one who received the smudge cannot notice any smudge and would not tap. Since all of them tapped once, they all realize that there must be at least two smudges.

Case 2: (Rows 4, 5 and 6)

If only two of them received smudges, those with the smudges would notice no smudge on the third and realize that they themselves must have a smudge. They both would have tapped a second time. This cannot occur if the third also has a smudge.

Case 3: (Row 7)

Since Case 2 did not occur, one of them realizes that it is because all three have received smudges. So he goes ahead and taps twice after a pause.

2. Anthony:

A man taps second only when he knows for sure that he is having a spot on forehead. Lets put him as A. If only one of them were given, then it is easier to find out by the fact that only two people will tap first and the one who didnt tap will tap after a pause. If two of them were given, (Say A not given) all three will tap first. But the persons who were given (B/C) sees that the other person (C / B) also taps in first round and finds out that they themselves are given. A, who quickly strikes out these two scenarios knows that all three were given, since B and C couldn't decide only becuase A himself was given. But why the other two B & C couldnt come to the same conclusion at the same time is a very good question, but thats not part of our concern if we are to explain A's logic only.

3. T. V. Sivakumaran

The most intelligent guy who who tapped twice , let us say A should have thought as follows.

If he didin't have the smudge in his  forehead, B  would have easily found out that he must have it on his own forehead, since both A and C has tapped once looking at the smudge on his  (B's) forehead. He would have immediately tapped twice.

Ditto for C.

4. Rahim

Let A, B and C be the 3 wise men.

Let A be the one who found out: his reasoning : "I must be having the spot because, if not, B would have tapped twice as C also has a spot but tapped only once !" A's argument : If I had no spot, then B, who is wise, would have tapped twice thinking that he was having a spot because C had tapped looking only his spot. Since B was smarter than C, say.   Since I also had a spot, B was confused. May be, B thought, C had tapped looking at my, (A's) spot. B would have thought he may or may not have a spot.   If A and B both no spot, then C wud not have tapped at all !                    
The beauty in this puzzle is, any one else, that is B or C,  would have given a similar reason. But A was a little smarter than the other 2.  A quickly decides that he too must be having the smudge and taps twice. 

2. Just4Fun 2 - (English)  Reasoning Skill:  Three ladies and Five Hats 

 Problem Statement:

Miss Swank, Miss Social, and miss Highhat descended upon the hatter and demanded the latest creations in chapeaux.  The hatter asked the three ladies to take three chairs.  He had, however, arranged the chairs sin such a manner that Miss Highhat could see the hats that Miss Swank and Miss Social tried on, and Miss Swank could see Miss Social's hat, but Miss Social could not see the other two ladies' hats.  The hatter showed the ladies five hats, three of which were green and two of which were pink.  He mixed the hats and from the rear placed a hat upon each ladies; head.  He asked Miss Highhat the color of her hat.  She relied that she did not know.  He asked Miss Swank the color of her hat.  She replied she did not know.  When Miss Social was asked the color of her hat, she could tell the hatter the correct color.  What was the color of Miss Social's hat?

Problem source:

"General College Mathematics", W. L. Ayres, Cleota G. Fry, H. F. S. Jonah, McGraw Hill Book Company, 1952  p.35


 Sivakumaran Venkataraman:

A can find out the color of her hat only if the other two, B & C have pink ones. Even if one of them is green she can't guess. Since she says 'no' B & C guess that one of them at least must be having a green hat. B can guess that she has a green hat only if the C's hat is pink. Since B also says no, C easily guesses that hers is Green.

Vasudevan Tirumurti

Green. Miss.Highhat can guess right only if the two hats she sees are pink. - there are only two pink hats and if she sees two pink she has to be wearing green. So at least one hat is green. Both could be Green too. Given this Miss Swank can guess that her hat is green only if she sees Miss. Social wearing pink hat. If Miss. Social is wearing green it wont be clear if Miss.Highhat saw two greens or one. She could not guess. Ergo Miss.Social is wearing Green.

Rahim (using his own "reformed" spelling)

Social was wearing green and she said so.

When she heard Hihat telling that she did not no the kolor of the hat she herself was wearing Soshial konluded that (i)  Both myself and Swank r wearing green (ii) I am having green and Swank pink (iii) vice versa.

But when Swank also said "I do not no" Social was sure she she was not wearing pink. Had she been wearing pink, Swank wud have said "I am having green"  


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